Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh at 19th CBI and State Anti Corruption BureauxConference on Oct. 10 , 2012
“Let me begin by saying that I consider this to be a
very important conference, which gives police officers directly responsible for
anti-corruption efforts, an opportunity to discuss new ideas and approaches to
best practices. I understand that from this year the conference will be an
annual feature instead of the biennial event that it has been so far. This is a
welcome development in view of the rapid changes that are taking place in
processes of governance and administration in our country, and the newer
modi-operandi being adopted by those indulging in corrupt practices.
We have just seen some CBI officers receive medals for
their achievements. I congratulate them for this distinction. I hope that their
example will be emulated by others in times to come.
I understand that the theme for this conference is
Economic Development: role of Anti-corruption Agencies. This happens to be an
area which is well worth exploring. The nature of the challenges that our
country’s anti-corruption agencies face varies with the level of economic
development. These challenges get even more complicated if the pace of economic
development is rapid, as it has been in our country in the last two decades or
so. In these twenty years, the responsibilities that our anti-corruption
agencies are expected to discharge have not only multiplied manifold, they have
also become wider in scope, and should I say, become more complex and more
The economic reforms initiated in the early 1990s
greatly reduced many of the old forms of corrupt practices, associated with
controls and the license-permit raj. They resulted in faster economic growth
and new areas of economic activity. This in turn led to newer opportunities for
corruption, ones associated with specialization and expansion of our economy.
As our economy grows and becomes more integrated with the evolving global
economy, the big challenge before our anti-corruption agencies is to keep pace
with these rapid developments.
Today, different sectors of our economy follow developmental
models that are increasingly becoming more and more sophisticated. Therefore,
in many cases, it would be difficult for the investigating agencies to reach
the right conclusions without a firm grasp of the complexities involved in the
formulation and implementation of economic policy.
It is for this reason that our investigation agencies
need to continuously upgrade their skills and techniques to match the newer
methods of corruption. Regular in-service training and frequent exchanges with
the top anti-corruption agencies in the world over, would help in this process.
I am told that the CBI Academy has gradually evolved into a center of
excellence. I would like all State Anti-Corruption Bureaux to utilize its
services optimally for training their officials. I also believe that
collaboration between the CBI and the state anti-corruption agencies in the
area of capacity building would benefit both.
While good training and competence are essential, in
many cases they might not be sufficient. I would urge the CBI and other
anti-corruption agencies to feel free to engage professionals who have the
expertise which can assist them in conducting an impartial enquiry in complex
cases. Also, institutions established with special focus on economic offences should
perhaps be more broad-based and need not be confined only to persons with a
policing background. An open mind in this regard could help in imparting
credibility to our investigations and securing, also, higher conviction rates.
Our government stands firm in its commitment to do
everything possible to ensure probity, transparency and accountability in the
work of public authorities. While addressing this conference last year, I had
mentioned some of the steps that we had taken or were proposing to take towards
that end. Today, I would like to mention two recent initiatives that form part
of our relentless pursuit of minimizing corruption in our economy and our
We have recently put in place an institutional
architecture to facilitate a shift to a system in which benefits from the
government would get transferred directly to the bank accounts of individual
beneficiaries of various social sector schemes. This would cover benefits like
scholarships and pensions, and also some of the non-cash subsidies that the
government provides. The aim is to eliminate wastage and leakages, and improve
transparency and accountability in transfer of government assistance to the
people. We plan to leverage the Aadhar numbers that have already been provided
to about 20 crore people for this task.
We are also considering amendments to the Prevention of
Corruption Act, not only in view of the judicial rulings on its provisions, but
also with the purpose of filling certain gaps in the legislation and bringing
it in line with current international practice. A clear and unambiguous
definition for the term 'corruption', covering both the supply and demand
sides, is being sought to be provided. Experience has shown that in a vast
majority of cases, it is difficult to tackle consensual bribery and the
supplier of the bribe goes scot free by taking recourse to the provisions of
the Act. This would be taken care of in the proposed amendments. Experience has
also shown that big ticket corruption is mostly related to operations by large
commercial entities. It is therefore also proposed to include corporate failure
to prevent bribery as a new offence on the supply side. We are also examining
how the Act can be amended to protect honest public servants more effectively.
While reiterating our government's commitment to
fighting the menace of corruption in every possible way, I would like to stress
upon the need to protect honest public servants and keep the morale of the
executive intact. I have said this in the earlier conferences also, but I think
this is something that is worth repeating. The mindless atmosphere of
negativity and pessimism that is sought to be created over the issue of
corruption can do us no good. It can only damage our nation’s image and hit at
the morale of the executive. We need to ensure that even while the corrupt are
relentlessly pursued and brought to book, the innocent are not harassed. The
importance of making a distinction between bonafide mistakes and colorable
exercise of power in investigation of corruption cases cannot be over
emphasized. This is the point I have emphasized in each and every conference
that I have been participating in the last eight years, and I would like to
repeat it once again.
Conferences like the present one should also be occasions
to remind ourselves of the abiding principles that should guide us in the
discharge of our responsibilities- hard work, fairness, honesty, fearlessness
and perseverance. I hope that you will go back from this conference even more
determined to uphold these values. I hope you will not be discouraged by cases
where the investigation is not successful or a seemingly successful
investigation failing to secure a conviction. I would urge you to introspect on
every such case so that you can continuously upgrade your skills and
These were the few thoughts that I wished to share with
you today. I wish you well in your professional endeavors. I am sure you will
leave no stone unturned in fighting a menace that is holding back our society
and our country. I thank you.
Jai Hind.”
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