Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Don’t undermine office of CAG, says Supreme Court

SC said , “ CAG is not a munim [accountant] to go into the balance-sheets. The CAG is a constitutional authority entitled to review and conduct performance audit on revenue allocations relating to the Centre, the States and the Union Territories … and examine matters relating to the economy and how the government uses its resources.”  

Further SC said “ The CAG is a constitutional authority who is under a mandate to place before Parliament or the State legislature concerned its findings. It was for Parliament or the respective legislatures to act upon such reports. It was for Parliament to consider, accept, partially accept or reject the CAG’s findings. Ultimately it was for Parliament to take a call on the CAG’s report and say ‘your [CAG] report is misconceived / misplaced and also reject the opinion. Don’t undermine the office of the CAG."

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