" The Right to Information act has been in force in our
country for seven years now. By all accounts it has contributed in very large
measure to our efforts for ensuring greater probity, greater transparency and
greater accountability in the work of public authorities. The greater public
scrutiny of government action that it has enabled has been, I believe, good for
our country. I congratulate all those who have been associated with the
implementation of this very important piece of legislation, the Right to Information
act in the past seven years.
In the last year itself close to 10 lakh people, in all
parts of our country sought information from the Central government authorities
under this legislation. Today, citizens everywhere feel empowered because of the
Right to Information Act. It is a simple and uncomplicated legislation, easy to
understand and use. And this I think is one of its major strengths.
It is a pointer to the success of the Right to
Information that only about 4.5 percent of the applications that are filed
before Central government authorities reach the Information Commissions for
adjudication. It is estimated that out of the 20,000 appeals and complaints
disposed of by the Central Information Commission every year on the average,
only a couple of hundred cases a year have been challenged in our courts.
Notwithstanding its successes, I believe that the Right
to Information is still evolving in our country. The potential for good,
constructive use of this Right is perhaps far greater than what its current
status would indicate. But this potential cannot be realized automatically. It
would require concerted efforts towards removing the impediments that at
present reduce its efficacy.
There are some obvious areas of concerns about the way
the Right to Information Act is being used presently, and I had flagged a few
of them when I addressed this Convention last year. There are concerns about
frivolous and vexatious use of the Act in demanding information the disclosure
of which cannot possibly serve any public purpose. Sometimes information
covering a long time-span or a large number of cases is sought in an omnibus
manner with the objective of discovering an inconsistency or mistake which can
be criticized. Such queries besides serving little productive social purpose
are also a drain on the resources of the public authorities, diverting precious
man-hours that could be put to better use. Such requests for information have
in fact come in for adverse criticism by the Supreme Court as well as the
Central Information Commission.
Concerns have also been raised regarding possible
infringement of personal privacy while providing information under the Right to
Information Act. There is a fine balance required to be maintained between the
Right to information and the Right to privacy, which stems out of the
Fundamental Right to Life and liberty. The citizens’ Right to Know should
definitely be circumscribed if disclosure of information encroaches upon
someone’s personal privacy. But where to draw the line is a complicated
question. I am happy that this Convention will devote an exclusive session to
"Privacy and Disclosure Issues", which I hope will result in useful,
constructive recommendations. The issue of a separate legislation on privacy is
under consideration of an expert group under Justice A. P. Shah.
There are other issues as well which need to be
addressed. For example, how much information should entities set up in the
Public Private Partnership be obliged to disclose under the Right to Information
Act. Blanket extension of the Act to such bodies may discourage private
enterprises to enter into partnerships with the public sector entity. A blanket
exclusion on the other hand may harm the cause of accountability of public
officials. I am sure that you will discuss such issues in this Convention with
a view to finding a way forward.
I know that there has been some confusion about the
implications of the recent Supreme Court order regarding the composition of the
Central and State Information Commissions. As you might be aware, the
government has decided to go in review before the Supreme Court in this matter.
The public authorities also have an important part to
play in bringing about improvements in the implementation of the Right to
Information Act. There are costs associated with providing access to
information. It must be our endeavor to minimize these costs. Better training
of employees, greater use of modern technology and proactive disclosure of the
maximum possible amount of information are obvious solutions, not only for
minimizing costs but also for making it easier for people to access
information. In some places there may also be a need to change perceptions
about the Right to Information- it should not be viewed as an irritant but something
that is good for all of us collectively.
Rights, of course, cannot stand in isolation and must
always be accompanied by reciprocal obligations. I had pointed out in my
address to this Convention in 2008 that while asserting our rights we need to
be equally conscious of our responsibilities and our commitments. I believe
that all of us share a responsibility to promote more constructive and
productive use of the Right to Information Act. This important legislation
should not be only about criticizing, ridiculing, and running down public
authorities. It should be more about promoting transparency and accountability,
spreading information and awareness and empowering our citizen. I think that
there is need for all of us to work towards building an environment where
citizens see the government as a partner and not as an adversary.
The Right to Information Act is one of the many steps
our government has taken for strengthening the institutional architecture for
curbing corruption, enhancing transparency and accountability in public
administration and improving delivery of services to the people. Other
important legislations that are proposed include the Whistleblowers Protection
Bill, the Time-bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of Grievances
Bill and the Electronic Delivery of Services Bill, which are all currently
under consideration of our Parliament. We have also put in place a National
Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy. Recently we have taken an initiative to
facilitate direct cash transfer of government benefits to public accounts of
beneficiaries. This would help in reducing leakages and wastage, and also make
it easier for our citizens to avail of governmental assistance.
I believe that the Right to Information can be utilized
for even better results to the benefit of our country and our people. It needs
to be remembered that the ultimate goal of the legislation is to induce more
efficiency in the work of our government and help it serve our people better. I
hope you will utilize this Convention to find ways and means to achieve this
objective more effectively. I wish you success in your deliberation. "
According to Chief Information
Commissioner , Styananda Mishra , " Excessive Judicialisation of Information
Commission would deprive them of a flexible style of functioning . The approach
of commission had always been to act as an Umpire
Standing Right on the Field
along with the players , not To Sit on Pedestal
& Pronounce Oracles
. "
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