The selection of the CAG must not be the
exclusive prerogative of the executive government but must be entrusted to a
high-level, broad-based Selection Committee. Such a course is clearly a very
obvious one to follow, but it appears that the government does not consider any
such change in the selection procedure necessary.
The argument is that the existing system
has been working well; that the CAGs, by whichever ruling party chosen, have
been able to function independently; and that no change is called for. However,
does a system in fact exist? There is no carefully formulated job description,
no formally laid down criteria, no clear procedures for a long list and a short
list, and no Selection Committee. What then is the system? It is entirely an
internal process within the government; no one outside knows what that process
is; from the Finance Secretary, Cabinet Secretary and the Principal Secretary
to the Prime Minister, some names emerge and reach the Prime Minister; and a
recommendation is sent to the President. Suddenly one morning the newspapers
announce that a particular person has been selected as CAG. Parliament and the
people of the country have no idea at all as to how the principal instrument of
accountability is chosen.
Is the ‘system’ working well? On what
grounds can one say so? There have been outstanding, good, and indifferent
CAGs. One can hardly infer a functioning system from these results, much less
one that is working well.
The need for a high-level, broad-based
Selection Committee has already been accepted for the selection of The Central Vigilance
Commissioner and The National Human Rights Commissioners.
On what possible grounds can it be held that such a procedure is not
appropriate for the selection of The CAG ? It is in fact particularly called
for in this case, considering the great and crucial importance of the
institution of CAG of India. The point is familiar and need not be laboured,
but it may be useful to remind ourselves very briefly that the
Constitution-makers chose to include the position in the Constitution;
guaranteed his (her) independence by providing protection against removal
except by impeachment; and prescribed for the CAG an oath of office that
requires the functionary to “uphold the
Constitution and the laws” and not just act in
accordance with them. It may also be recalled that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar considered the CAG the most important functionary in the
Constitution, even more important than the judiciary.
The CAG performs the most crucial function of enforcing the financial
accountability of the Executive to Parliament, and through Parliament to the
people. It follows that the selection of the enforcer of accountability should
not be left to the discretion of those whose accountability he or she has to
What should be the composition of the
proposed Selection Committee? Having regard to the multiple dimensions of the
position of CAG, the following is a suggested composition:
• Prime Minister (Chairman);
• Finance Minister;
• Leader of the Opposition in the Lok
• Speaker of the Lok Sabha;
• Chief Justice of India, if the CJI is
willing to be included, and if not, a very distinguished legal luminary.
Suggestions that criteria and procedures
should be laid down for the selection of the CAG are sometimes questioned on
the ground that the Constitution does not say so. That is an absurd objection.
The Constitution mandates the post; an appointment has to be made to that post;
an appointment implies a selection; and selection implies criteria and
procedure. The appointment cannot be made by draw of lots. In any case, some
kind of opaque internal system is apparently being followed at present. The
suggestion is merely that it be replaced by a formal, well-formulated, open
Once we start on the formulation of a
system of selection, several questions will arise. A full discussion of those
questions will require a separate paper. Without a detailed discussion, this
article will merely put down a few categorical, un-argued statements for
(1) What kind of person should the
Committee look for? Keeping in mind the kind and range of responsibilities
involved, the CAG should clearly have:
• professional knowledge and expertise in
accounts and audit;
• a willingness to point the finger at
irregularity, impropriety, imprudence, inefficiency, waste, and loss of public
funds, at whatever level this occurs, but tempered by a scrupulous
judiciousness in criticism and comment;
• the ability to weigh the legal and
constitutional aspects of some of the issues that come before him;
• a capacity for understanding complex
technical, contractual commercial, managerial, or economic matters and forming
careful judgments, particularly when dealing with large government schemes or
appraisals of public enterprises;
• management abilities for running the
vast Department under him; and
• underlying all these, a passionate
concern for rectitude and propriety (‘fire in the belly’), and impeccable and
fierce personal integrity, accompanied by much tact and wisdom.
It will certainly be very difficult to
find a person who combines all those elements; but the selectors must keep that
ideal picture before them, and the person selected should meet at least a
significant part of the above requirements.
(2) The criterion (now prevailing) that
the person to be selected should have been a Secretary to the Government of
India is irrelevant and should be abandoned. Indeed, having been a Secretary to
the Government should perhaps be a disqualification because of the possibility
of a conflict of interests.
(3) The fact that this is a
constitutional position should not be allowed to obscure the fact that it is
also a specialised, professional one that cannot easily be filled by a
generalist. It is impossible to imagine a non-IFS officer being appointed as
Foreign Secretary, or a non-railwayman as Chairman, Railway Board; appointing a
generalist administrator as CAG should be equally unthinkable except in a rare
case. The constitutional status of the position does not alter that logic.
(4) The retiring or recently retired
Deputy CAGs in the IAAS should be the first source; it is only if an
exceptionally able officer is not available from that source that other sources
should be considered, i.e., the IAS and Central Services other than the IAAS;
and failing all these, non-government sources.
The reasons for that order of preference
are not gone into here. It must, however, be mentioned that the implicit
general assumption that the next CAG, like the last six CAGs, must be an IAS
officer, causes serious harm to departmental morale. Consider the high standing
of the Indian Audit Department in the international community of Supreme Audit
Institutions. Consider also the present CAG’s frequent praise — high praise —
of the quality of the personnel of the Department. If such good work can be
done by the Department, is it credible that in the last six selections of the
CAG, the choice could never once fall on an IAAS officer? The sad fact is that
the post of CAG has become virtually a cadre post for the IAS, and there seems
to be a systematic exclusion of the IAAS. This is indefensible on any ground
and needs to be remedied. This implies no reflection on any individual CAG. In
particular, this writer holds the present CAG in the highest regard, and
believes that he has been an outstanding incumbent of that high constitutional
The above suggestions are not offered in
a dogmatic spirit. What is important is that the issues raised in this article
should be pondered by all those who are concerned about the effective
functioning of this venerable institution, even if that pondering leads to
conclusions different from those stated here.
( Ramaswamy R. Iyer is a former IAAS
officer )
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