Saturday, February 02, 2013

Executive Committee on Climate Change

The Prime Minister has decided to constitute an Executive Committee on Climate Change to assist the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change . The Executive Committee on Climate Change would focus on the following tasks:

1. Assist the PM’s Council on Climate Change in evolving a co-ordinated response to issues relating to climate change at the National level.

2. Regularly monitor the implementation of the eight national missions and other initiatives on Climate Change.

3. Advise the PM’s Council on Climate Change on modifications in the objectives, strategies and structure of the missions, as may be necessary.

4. Co-ordinate with various agencies on issues relating to climate change.

The Chairman of the Executive Committee on Climate Change will be the
Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister and Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests will be the Member-Convenor. Other members of the Committee include Cabinet Secretary, Finance Secretary, Secretary, Planning Commision, Secretary Ministry of Power, Secretary Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Secretary Ministry of Urban Development, SECREATRY Water Resources, Secretary Department of Science & Technology, Secretary Department of Agriculture & co-operation, Secretary Department of Agricultural Research & Education, Secretary Department of Earth Sciences, Secretary Ministry of Coal, Secretary Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Secretary Department of Economic Affairs.

The Chairman of Executive Committee on Climate Change may invite any other officer/Expert to the meetings as may be necessary. The PM’s Council on Climate Change and the Executive Committee on Climate Change would be serviced by Ministry of Environment and Forests.

The Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change was constituted in 2007, in order to co-ordinate
National Action for Assessment, Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change. The National Action Plan of Climate Change (NAPCC) was released by the Prime Minister in June 2008. Under the NAPCC, with the approval of PM’s Council on Climate Change, eight national missions are being implemented.

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