Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Present Status of FDI in Different Sectors of Economy

Decisions taken on FDI in the meeting chaired by the Prime Minister on 16.7.2013 .
• FDI cap in telecom raised to 100 percent from 74 percent; up to 49 percent through automatic route and beyond via FIPB.

• No change in 49 percent FDI limit in civil aviation.

• FDI cap in defence production to stay at 26 percent, higher investment may be considered in state-of-the-art technology production by Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS).

• 100 percent FDI allowed in single brand retail; 49 percent through automatic, 49-100 percent through FIPB.

• FDI limit in insurance sector raised to 49 percent from present 26 percent, subject to Parliament approval.

• FDI up to 49 ppercent in petroleum refining allowed under automatic route, from earlier approval route.

• In power exchanges 49 percent FDI allowed through automatic route, from earlier FIPB route.

• Raised FDI in asset reconstruction companies to 100 percent from 74 percent; of this up to 49 percent will be under automatic rout

• FDI limit increased in credit information companies to 74 percent from 49 percent.

• FDI up to 49 percent in stock exchanges, depositories allowed under automatic route.

• FDI up to 100 percent through automatic route allowed in courier services.

• FDI in tea plantation up to 49 percent through automatic route; 49-100 percent through FIPB route.

• No decision taken on FDI cap in airports, media, brownfield pharma and multi-brand retail

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