Sunday, March 10, 2013

Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) ( Launched on 1st June, 2011 )

The following are the Free Entitlements for pregnant women:
Free and cashless delivery
Free C-Section
Free drugs and consumables
Free diagnostics
Free diet during stay in the health institutions
Free provision of blood
Exemption from user charges
Free transport from home to health institutions
Free transport between facilities in case of referral
Free drop back from Institutions to home after 48hrs stay
The following are the Free Entitlements for Sick newborns till 30 days after birth:
Free treatment
Free drugs and consumables
Free diagnostics
Free provision of blood
Exemption from user charges
Free Transport from Home to Health Institutions
Free Transport between facilities in case of referral
Free drop Back from Institutions to home

States were requested to ask for the requisite budgetary support under the NRHM in their project implementation plans (PIPs). More than Rs 1437 crores have been allocated to the States for the year 2011-12 for providing the free entitlements under JSSK and Rs 2107 crores allocated in 2012-13.

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